Thursday, March 1, 2012

Functionality and Usability

Usability Considerations:

Answer the following questions related to usability/functionality

- who is the site/app for? (think personas on a grander scale: user group and demographic info, etc.) The App, would be for a few sets of group, first would be Jewerly Designers that collect or make jewerly, Secound would be anyone who collects terquise of any sort, Third would be Native Americans since Ter- quise orignated with their culture. Fourth would be any teen/young women because Terquise if the phase now to have, the ones that would want to collect the real thing.

- what does the site/app need to do? list all needs. what are its purposes listed in order of importance? -Tell and Sell the Collectors Hand Designed Terquise Jewerly
-Memember sit for sharing/selling/trading their collections
-Teach users how to make their own Terquise Jewerly
-Social Network of Terquise Collectors

- what do users need? how can that be provided?
- They need a place where they can get inspiration about making Terquise Jewerly, a place where they can buy/sell/trade for Terquise Jewerly, and most imporantly a social network where they feel they are not the only ones collecting Terquise.

- what is the base content of the collection?
Terquise Jewerly, collected and designed by the Jewerly

- what other content might be useful or interesting?
How to make other kinds of Jewerly, Terquise Musuems, Finding Real Terquise, Native American Reser- vations that perseve Terquise

- what are the benefits and incentives for participation?
If you become a memember you will be able to see the Collectors tutorials on how to make your own jewerly, have access to the social network to buy/sell/trade, Learn ways to acess real terquise and find out ways to dig your own

- why would visitors return to the site? why would they use the app? what are the benefits or incentives for frequent visits/usage?
The incentives is the more you learn, blog, sell and trade, the more points you can get over a period of time and the collector will send out Terquise gems, or if you are a big time seller you will be able to pick a handmade pieace from the collectors designed collection

- how does it help to connect to its community? how is social media leveraged? what are the methods for connection and participation?
Everyone becomes a member, so they can blog/sell/trade about each other. This connects a huge com- munity that isnt talk about every where its more about the west twhere most native americans have found ed and perserved the gemes. Now this can open it up country wide and start really make a fade a trand. but with real Terquise not immitation stuff.

- how would a transaction/exchange system work? (barter, trade, buy, sell, etc.) - buy

-buy new -learn -socail feed

Are there other questions that need to be asked regarding your particular site/app/user base? -just making sure I make the user to want to come back 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Reading Reflections

Each way you arrange something tells you something different about that subject.
Audience theory is an element of thinking that developed within academic literary theory and cultural studies.
Personas are fictional characters created to represent the different user types within a targeted demographic, attitude and/or behavior set that might use a site, brand or product in a similar way. Personas are a tool or method of market segmentation.
A user persona is a representation of the goals and behavior of a real group of users. In most cases, personas are synthesized from data collected from interviews with users.

Reasons for why people start collecting:

- Out of compulsion
- Memories tied to items
- Love or admiration for the objects
- Materialistic
- Filling wound in personal history
- Virtue in preservation
- Discovery
- Competitiveness
- Passing on traditions
- Hope for future value
- Forge connection with past
- Personal stories
- Need of something valuable
- To maintain order
- Control
- Sentiment
- New relationships

Thursday, February 2, 2012

1st day of thoughts

Finding out about the project, I instantly had a few ideas of what kind of collection I could make

Collection ideas

Shot Glasses
Nail Polishes
Sea Shells
Liquor Bottles
Beanie Babies
Dream Catches

more ideas to come =)